So I tried Google+ recently, and it's just as cluttered as Facebook. Think I'll stick with a simple web log. Like this. I know, I know - "What about keeping in touch with people blah blah blah?" WELL. The only type of contact you get on FaceNutz is usually VilleVilleTown requests. EVEN WHEN you sent a message. The problem is the layout I think, since FaceNutz is an ADHD's dream and has 45 ways to communicate - wall, status update, like, comment, etc... The "message" feature (which is never used) is almost fucking hidden behind all the panels. I honestly need a sherpa to navigate that shithole.
Still working at Global Foundries, getting used to the office politics and just the overall environment. I still have anxiety attacks about job security stemming from my horrible stint with IT/my entire life; but I'm gradually adjusting.
Almost done with my student loan settlement payoff - I did $600 a month for a year, the last payment will be February. Then I'll be getting a 2010 Buick Lucerne! Cannot f@#$ing wait. In addition, I'll be selling Steve my car so it's helping both of us. Also, Naomi and I have been losing weight, I'm down to 211 right now from 250 which was my heaviest.
I'll try to get back into the swing of posting here more often,but I honestly don't feel the need to post/tweet every little detail of my life. That, and I'd rather post, you know, INTERESTING things. Unfortunately, I'm not an international man of mystery and don't have extraordinary adventures to write about like all those trust-fund kiddies. Stay tuned, though.